A Glove To Detect Breast Cancer


Cancer treatments rely heavily on early detection of the disease, so creating a way to identify breast cancer with accuracy is crucial.

In that vein, a team of Japanese and American researchers announced the development of a system of nano-sensors with which they will build in the future a glove that will provide detection of any tumour simply by the touch.

This system would replace the lack of experience or proper training to examine the patients. «One day, health professionals will be able to find breast cancer using gloves with pressure sensors to detect tumours,» the researchers said.

«The sensitive fingers of an experienced doctor can detect a small tumour, but what they feel can not be measured and quantified to share that information,  explained professor Takao Someya of the University of Tokyo.

Scientists believe that in the future they will be able to measure and reproduce the sensations experienced by professional specialists, Someya said. According to the article published in the online version of the British science journal Nature Nanotechnology, the researchers were able to create a chord of 3.4 micrometers thick. The semi- electronic material is built based on carbon nanotubes.