It   helps   to prevent Sudden Death by detecting the lack of oxygen in the baby and prompts reaction.


Sudden death is a serious problem in our country. In Argentina, from 250 to 300 babies  die each year from this cause   in Argentina. Although it can occur in children up to one year old, it is more prevalent between months two to six.

For this reason, Dr. Diego Delia (MN99.693), who is part of the  anaesthesiologist  team at the Sanatorium Mater Dei and the Institute of Gynecology and Fertility, created a glove that allows  to fight  this problem. The product works as follows: it is placed on the baby’s hand and, when it detects that there is lack of oxygen, it   makes it move.

Delia explained that «a small electric shock   provokes the movement in the child, saving his life . In   addition to the blood oxygen level, the glove also allows measurement of the heart rate.»

Another advantage  is that parents need not to intervene in the process, but they can be aware of the level of oxygen in the baby’s blood and his heart rate through an application on their smartphones.

To prevent Sudden Death, Delia recommends that  the babies should sleep on their backs,  a firm mattress should be  used and  over-bundling should be avoided.


The device created by Delía has already been patented in New Zealand and the United States where it is  in the stage of beginning clinical trial.  This phase is an indispensable requirement to be approved by the Food & Drug Administration (FDA).

The temporary name of the prototype is «Anti-SIDS Device» and in Argentina it is still in the testing phase. But Delía expects to start its commercialization by next year.

