100,000 nurses needed in Argentina


The diagnosis is clear from our data Sindical Argentina Observatory belonging to FATSA health. According to these data, one in three nurses spent 50 years and approaching retirement. And of the 140,000 that help heal across the country, 32% have only the diploma nursing assistant, although professionalization Race aims to reverse this scenario.

oday there are no accurate data on the total number of nurses in the country. However, the estimates presented by the Observatory have been so far the most approximate to the current reality of the country numbers. Although progress was made, the Secretary General of FATSA, Mr. Carlos West Ocampo warned the situation «Our calculation is missing about 100,000 nurses across the country.» Among the main causes he said «low pay and little recognition.» In addition, many nurses are working two or three jobs to support his family or take turns up 14hs daily.

According to West Ocampo «This lack is not only of Argentina, but also in the region. The best-known result, but also the most direct and serious is that many nurses lack of deaths that occur could be avoided «

Although there are positive data, the nurses say more missing. The Health Ministry had acknowledged in 2008 a ratio of four doctors for every nurse in activity, now down. Although the proportion of nurses and doctors is close to 1-1, the goal set by the Pan American Health Organization, the ideal should be 4 nurses per doctor.

In OSINSA assessments, 30.5 nurses (of all training) every 10 thousand inhabitants are counted, whereas in developed countries more than 70 nurses every 10 thousand inhabitants.

Diario de Cuyo